Adam Brown
¿Quién es Adam Brown?
He studied at the John O'Gaunt Community Technology College in his birthplace, Hungerford, Berkshire. Following his time at John O'Gaunt, he trained in Performing Arts at Middlesex University, London, where he met Clare Plested and helped co-found the British comedy theatre troupe Plested and Brown. He wrote and performed in all seven of their shows: Carol Smillie Trashed my Room, The Reconditioned Wife Show, Flamingo Flamingo Flamingo, Hot Pursuit, Minor Spectacular, Health & Stacey and The Perfect Wife Roadshow. A regular at the Edinburgh Festival he toured with his company across the UK as well as performances in Armenia, South Korea and New Zealand. With the rest of the Plested and Brown team (Amanda Wilsher and Clare Plested) he has worked with David Sant (Peepolykus), Phelim McDermott (Improbable), Cal McCrystal (The Mighty Boosh) and Toby Wilsher (ex-Trestle).
Trabajos destacados
Géneros más habituales en las películas de Adam Brown
Géneros más habituales en las series de Adam Brown
Compañeros de trabajo recientes de Adam Brown
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