Películas similares a The Horn Blows at Midnight

Si te gustó The Horn Blows at Midnight y estás buscando películas del mismo estilo, es muy posible que te gusten las siguientes recomendaciones. Estos son los resultados que hemos encontrado que podrían interesarte:

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Suppressed memories reach a boiling point. An animated tale of longing. “The Experimental section saw Non Films’ Dull Hope scoop the premier place as category winner. Half animation and half ...
A young writer embarks on a journey to find out more about the taxi business in Lagos by becoming a taxi driver, he meets a young lady along the way and becomes fond of her. ...
Short film built from photographs, sped up like a traditional stop motion and is meant to be an evocation of the English Eerie and Folk Horror. ...
It's Birthday day on the Forest of Fun and Wonder, the day when everyone celebrates their birthday, and THE TREEHOUSE TROLLS invite Jackie and Lisa to the party. But the mean old queen puts the " ...
Padmanabhan master and his wife are waiting for Unni, their only son who is missing for many years. 10 year old Unni got lost in the crowd during a temple festival where he was along with his nei ...
Many characters of different backgrounds with various problems have their lives intertwine, as they come together through the one thing that unites them; their love of Egypt as Egypt wins the Afr ...
The Weeknd Celebrates 10-Year Anniversary of ‘Echoes of Silence’ by Sharing Title-Track video. Directed by Kurando Furuya with creative direction from well-known Japanese artist Hajime Soraya ...
A Vietnam Veteran confronts a student attempting to burn the American Flag. ...
Charles Veasey is a cop killer who's on death row waiting for his execution. One day he escapes. Nikki a cop, whose father Veasey killed has decided to go after him, despite what her superiors sa ...
The film depicts the story of Mohan, who has just arrived from Banaras to Mumbai city. He is disturbed to see how people live in cramped houses in the city of Mumbai. His entire world tilts upsid ...
SUMMARY:- A girl wakes up early in the morning to witness an immense Pain in her groin area & discovers blood on the bedsheet which makes her very uncomfortable to face her father. The next seri ...
En Nueva York durante los años 20, una cantante lucha por apartar a su novio de los problemas... ...

Otras recomendaciones alternativas

Si no has encontrado películas similares de tu agrado, puedes probar con este listado de recomendaciones basadas en el género y temáticas de The Horn Blows at Midnight.