Películas de acción de Robin Anderson

Películas de Robin Anderson filtradas por género

🎭 Script Supervisor
The residents of a rural mining town discover that an unfortunate chemical spill has caused hundreds of little spiders to mutate overnight to the size of SUVs. It's then up to mining engineer Chr ...
👔 Script Supervisor
Un mercenario llamado Al Simmons es traicionado y asesinado por su diabólico jefe. Cuando baja a los infiernos hace un pacto con el diablo para volver a la tierra bajo la figura de Spawn, y así ...
🎭 Script Supervisor
A convicted murderer is escorted by marshals on a regular flight from Phoenix to Dallas. Shortly after takeoff, two of his aides, traveling as ordinary passengers, take control and free him. He d ...
👔 Script Supervisor
Un joven mariachi marcado por la fatalidad y el destino se sumerge en el oscuro mundo del hampa cargado con un viejo estuche de guitarra que esconde todo tipo de armas. Su objetivo es seguir la s ...
🎭 Script Supervisor
Based on the actual events of the 1991 brush fires that swept across Northern California which left countless people without homes. A rookie fire chief who just started his new job must deal with ...