Joaquín Cordero
¿Quién es Joaquín Cordero?
Shortly after his birth, Cordero’s family moved to Mexico City, and in the following years he studied in a seminary and even considered becoming a priest, but eventually he decided to pursue a law career. After three years of law classes, against his family’s wishes he decided to become an actor. He initially appeared in small roles but by his early fifties he was getting much larger roles. Eventually he became one of the most popular actors in Mexican cinema. Cordero also shown appeared in theatre and on television and in the latter medium in numerous telenovelas and winning numerous awards. His most recent telenovelas included La Madrastra and Destilando Amor. February 19, 2013, Lamb died in a clinic in the city of Mexico, victim of heart problems that ended his life at the age of 89 years. According to his family, the Mexican actor died of love, facing a deep depression over the death of his beloved wife, Alma Guzman, which occurred on July 18, 2012.
Trabajos destacados
Géneros más habituales en las películas de Joaquín Cordero
Géneros más habituales en las series de Joaquín Cordero
Compañeros de trabajo recientes de Joaquín Cordero
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