Series de ciencia ficción & fantasía de Dwight H. Little

Series de Dwight H. Little filtradas por género

🎭 Director
The exploits of FBI Special Agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully who investigate X-Files: marginalized, unsolved cases involving paranormal phenomena. Mulder believes in the existence of aliens and ...
👔 Director
"Eliza Dushku" da vida a lo que en “Dollhouse” se conoce como un activo, una persona a la que han borrado la memoria y ahora es programada para asumir cualquier personalidad, una tarea que se ...
👔 Director
Frank Black (Henriksen) es un antiguo analista forense del FBI con capacidades paranormales que le facilitan su trabajo, pero que también lo obligan a conocer el lado más oscuro y sórdido de l ...
🎭 Director
John Doe tell the story of a man who wakes up naked on an island off the coast of Seattle, knowing everything in the world there is to know—except for who he is and how and why he ended up ther ...
🎭 Director
The evil, sinister killer of the "Nightmare On Elm Street" movies, Freddy Krueger, hosts this show, where each week, he shows us a tale of evil and death about the lives of people who live in Spr ...
🎭 Director
The horror and crime thriller genres collide in this new original series from Robert Rodriguez, based on his cult grindhouse classic about bank-robbing brothers on the run, a lawman bent on bring ...
🎭 Director
Agent Phil Coulson of S.H.I.E.L.D. (Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division) puts together a team of agents to investigate the new, the strange and the unknown around ...
🎭 Director
Ichabod Crane is resurrected and pulled two and a half centuries through time to unravel a mystery that dates all the way back to the founding fathers. ...