Series sobre crímenes 阪脩

Series de 阪脩 filtradas por género

🎭 Daisuke Aramaki (voice)
In the future when technological enhancements and robotics are a way of life, Major Motoko Kusanagi and Section 9 take care of the jobs that are too difficult for the police. Section 9 employs ha ...
🎭 Governor Maisaka
Towards the end of the 20th century, Japan becomes the preeminent world power. As a result, terrorist organizations begin to target the country in hopes of destabilizing world politics. One of th ...
🎭 Manager (voice)
El doctor Kenzo Tenma es un prometedor neurocirujano japonés que ejerce en el Eisler Memorial Hospital de Dusseldorf. Lo tiene todo en la vida; un trabajo que le apasiona y en el que demuestra u ...
🎭 Director (voice)
El doctor Kenzo Tenma es un prometedor neurocirujano japonés que ejerce en el Eisler Memorial Hospital de Dusseldorf. Lo tiene todo en la vida; un trabajo que le apasiona y en el que demuestra u ...
🎭 Shuixing Ye (voice)
Yo Hinomura was an ordinary Japanese potter when a run-in with a Chinese mafia changed his life forever. Now an assassin for the 108 Dragons, Yo is the perfect killing machine. As a sign for remo ...
🎭 Goken Ishida (voice)
Yo Hinomura was an ordinary Japanese potter when a run-in with a Chinese mafia changed his life forever. Now an assassin for the 108 Dragons, Yo is the perfect killing machine. As a sign for remo ...
🎭 Boss Wong (voice)
Yo Hinomura was an ordinary Japanese potter when a run-in with a Chinese mafia changed his life forever. Now an assassin for the 108 Dragons, Yo is the perfect killing machine. As a sign for remo ...