Críticas de PERSONA -trinity soul-

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The stage is Ayanagi City, a city near the Japan Sea. It is a futuristic city that was built to carry out the recovery from the calamity caused by the "Apathy Syndrome" ten years previous. High school student Shin Kanzato with his little brother Jun, meet with their elder brother Ryou, who is the chief of the Ayanagi City Police, again after ten years. At that time, a series of strange incidents happen in Ayanagi City such as the crew of a submarine that suddenly disappears while in their submarine, or a spiritless symptom which disturbs the world after ten years, or the case of the inside out corpse where a student took on a cruel appearance. Ryou tracks down the organization behind the string of incidents, and having become involved in the incidents, Shin awakens the "Persona."


5.5 / 10
Muy decepcionado con esta serie de anime que transcurre 10 años despues de persona 3 lo he intentado pero tras 13 capitulos me veo en la tesitura de dejarlo aparcado me sabe mal porque me gusta persona pero el ritmo es lento,muy tedioso hay algunos capitulos que se hacen agradables pero vuelve a caer en el mismo bucle que te lleva a dejar de verlo y ponerte a hacer cualquier cosa mas interesante.
La vere en dos tandas porque en una no lo recomiendo sinceramente.

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