Rhod Gilbert's Growing Pains

Rhod Gilbert's Growing Pains

6 Temporada(s)
Creada por Rhod Gilbert
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Valoración tmdb 7

Rhod Gilbert's Growing Pains involves celebrity guests revisiting their teenage years. Each celebrity will take a trip down memory lane; competing across fashion, pop culture, retro gadgets, first loves, school reports and more to get their teenage years recognised as the most embarrassing by comedian Rhod Gilbert. With mystery guests popping up along the way, offering up further revelations the show celebrates those ultimate embarrassing teenage moments, and it's down to Rhod to judge which celebrity should be crowned 'winner'.

Rhod Gilbert's Growing Pains

Creada por Rhod Gilbert 2021
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Rhod Gilbert's Growing Pains involves celebrity guests revisiting their teenage years. Each celebrity will take a trip down memory lane; competing across fashion, pop culture, retro gadgets, first loves, school reports and more to get their teenage years recognised as the most embarrassing by comedian Rhod Gilbert. With mystery guests popping up along the way, offering up further revelations the show celebrates those ultimate embarrassing teenage moments, and it's down to Rhod to judge which celebrity should be crowned 'winner'.
Creada por Rhod Gilbert
6 Temporadas
Volverá a emitirse
Siguiente episodio: 02 de diciembre del 2024


Título original:
Rhod Gilbert's Growing Pains
Duración episodios:
45 min
No disponible
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Total capítulos:
Logo de la cadena Comedy Central UK


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