Películas similares a Spider in the Attic

Si te gustó Spider in the Attic y estás buscando películas del mismo estilo, es muy posible que te gusten las siguientes recomendaciones. Estos son los resultados que hemos encontrado que podrían interesarte:

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Amityville Gas Chamber is a satiric take on the myriad of movies taking legal advantage of an unprotected franchise, cobbling together whatever they want and slapping the Amityville name on it. I ...
Una mujer emprende por su cuenta la búsqueda de su hermana pequeña, desaparecida mientras estaba de vacaciones. Se dirige a una remota localidad costera en la que, al parecer, su hermana fue vi ...
My father only used a camera once in his life. Thirty years later, he asked me to digitise the material he had filmed. I was wondering what he remembers. Created from an impulse to rethink and re ...
After a plane crash, Adam struggles to gather metal mid-air to fashion a parachute of sorts. While doing so he tries to save a young woman who has also survived the crash. ...
Tony Buba, a film maker from Braddock, Pennsylvania, tells the story of his hometown's decline (along with the rest of the steel mill towns along the Monongahela River) while he dreams of making ...
Cuatro azafatas intercontinentales basadas en Nueva York vuelan a diversas experiencias sexuales en toda Europa, incluyendo Zurich, Copenhague, Roma y Munich. Cada vuelo parece tener solo una o d ...
This is the story of the unhappy maid Lena, who falls in love with the furniture mover Franz. But Franz' former girlfriend Karla is jealous of Lena and starts an intrigue against the couple, sugg ...
A husband and wife living under impoverished conditions far into the forest. One day they get the chance to improve their lives with 3 wishes. Based on a Norwegian folk tales. ...
Mockumentary experimental film, which shows one day in the life of a young man. The action takes place on the Day of Soviet Cosmonautics, April 12, one of the last years of the USSR. Outside the ...
Robotnicy - Nic o nas bez nas tells a story about Gdańsk Shipyard and its workers after so called Grudzień 1970 (1970 protests). After those events Edward Gierek replaced Władysław Gomułka a ...
George cuts out a paper star to top his Christmas tree but, dissatisfied, decides to go for the real thing - an unusually bright star that seems to beckon him from the sky. ...
The working-class family Bråten is living in a top floor of a tenement house on the outskirts of Oslo. The family includes three sons and two daughters, mother and father in one room and kitchen ...
Teenager Sheba is excited to finally receive her digital totem, a mark of adulthood that connects every citizen with their ancestors and gives full access to the privileges of society. Thanks to ...

Otras recomendaciones alternativas

Si no has encontrado películas similares de tu agrado, puedes probar con este listado de recomendaciones basadas en el género y temáticas de Spider in the Attic.