Dakaichi: I'm Being Harassed by the Sexiest Man of the Year—The Movie: In Spain

Dakaichi: I'm Being Harassed by the Sexiest Man of the Year—The Movie: In Spain

Dirigida por Naoyuki Tatsuwa
Valoración usuarios Palomitacass 8.3
Valoración tmdb 7.5
Porcentaje valoración positiva 100% Porcentaje valoración negativa 0%

Takato Saijo has reigned as the idol industry's "Most Huggable" for five years, that is, until freshman actor Azumaya. Takato was always considered brusque while Azumaya's smile is winning over admirers by comparison. The whole fiasco drives Takuto to over indulge in alcohol and his actions catch the attention of the last person he wants to see. To his surprise, Azumaya uses this new info to blackmail Takuto for physical affection.

Dakaichi: I'm Being Harassed by the Sexiest Man of the Year—The Movie: In Spain

Dirigida por Naoyuki Tatsuwa 2021
Tu valoración:
Takato Saijo has reigned as the idol industry's "Most Huggable" for five years, that is, until freshman actor Azumaya. Takato was always considered brusque while Azumaya's smile is winning over admirers by comparison. The whole fiasco drives Takuto to over indulge in alcohol and his actions catch the attention of the last person he wants to see. To his surprise, Azumaya uses this new info to blackmail Takuto for physical affection.


Título original:
劇場版 抱かれたい男1位に脅されています。~スペイン編~
Página oficial:
78 min
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