Películas similares a The Blake Mysteries: Ghost Stories

Si te gustó The Blake Mysteries: Ghost Stories y estás buscando películas del mismo estilo, es muy posible que te gusten las siguientes recomendaciones. Estos son los resultados que hemos encontrado que podrían interesarte:

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Jack discovers that a man jailed for matricide could be innocent and the killer could still be close to home. Did Jack's own father-in-law have some part to play in the mystery? ...
A quiet painter, separated from his wife for a year, receives a suitcase in the mail from his mother, whom he hasn't seen since infancy. He believes she abandoned him to his wealthy, paternal gra ...
In I Can't Give You Anything But Love, Baby, Broderick Crawford plays a sentimental gangster who abducts songwriter Johnny Downs and forces him to write a love ballad. It is Crawford's hope that ...
George cuts out a paper star to top his Christmas tree but, dissatisfied, decides to go for the real thing - an unusually bright star that seems to beckon him from the sky. ...
Napoleon at Saint Helena (German: Napoleon auf Sankt Helena) is a 1929 German silent historical film directed by Lupu Pick and starring Werner Krauss, Hanna Ralph and Albert Bassermann. The film ...
Pedro Almodóvar se ha convertido en el hombre más importante del cine español y "Todo sobre Almodóvar" nos muestra por qué.El documental sigue los pasos del cineasta desde su infancia en La ...
In the minutes that it takes for a day to lose itself to darkness, we see a house that has suddenly become empty. It is the home of Maria, who has recently passed, and who has left her mark in ev ...
In the dead of night, a few hours after Mozart's death, the usual suspects are summoned to Mozart's room by Count Pergen, head of the secret police, who considered Mozart a potential revolutionar ...
Robotnicy - Nic o nas bez nas tells a story about Gdańsk Shipyard and its workers after so called Grudzień 1970 (1970 protests). After those events Edward Gierek replaced Władysław Gomułka a ...
This documentary tells the daily life of Hoa, a healer belonging to the Dao ethnic minority, who lives in a rural village in North Vietnam. Hoa collects medical plants in the forest, safeguarding ...
Sabahattin Parlar makes old Ottoman figures from electrical cables in his house on the island of Avşa. He travels to the memories of his childhood days by making these figures, which can be play ...
Daniel Lyttell is very ill, but Doctor Bozel assures Clara that the crisis is over and that her husband will eventually get well. In the dead of the night, a burglar enters the Lyttell home. His ...
A crime anthology film based on George Pelecanos' book of the same title. ...
The film is about an ordinary middle class man whose life turns upside down when a criminal tries to control him. It's about his struggles and how he comes to terms with his life. ...
An American cavalry brigade is sent to occupy a small Filipino village in 1902 and quell guerilla resistance in the surrounding jungle. Working with the people to build roads, schools, and bridge ...
Mockumentary experimental film, which shows one day in the life of a young man. The action takes place on the Day of Soviet Cosmonautics, April 12, one of the last years of the USSR. Outside the ...

Otras recomendaciones alternativas

Si no has encontrado películas similares de tu agrado, puedes probar con este listado de recomendaciones basadas en el género y temáticas de The Blake Mysteries: Ghost Stories.