Recon 2023: The Gauda Prime Conspiracy

Recon 2023: The Gauda Prime Conspiracy

Dirigida por Christian Viel
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Valoración tmdb 5.5

After 20 years of intergalactic war, humanity must make a final stand against the Ma'har invaders. Dispatched to the treacherous deserts of Gauda Prime, Lieutenant Sharp and his unit must find and destroy the enemy's central weapon, the dreaded Ma'har dream machine. The obstacles are daunting- giant mutated creatures and an army of zombified sand troopers stand between the unit and their objective. They must thwart a devious politician and her hideously disfigured mercenary, The Face. Political intrigue will prove as challenging as the monstrous faun of Gauda Prime but Sharp's team are humanity's only fighting chance against the deadly Ma'har armada.

Recon 2023: The Gauda Prime Conspiracy

Dirigida por Christian Viel 2009
Tu valoración:
After 20 years of intergalactic war, humanity must make a final stand against the Ma'har invaders. Dispatched to the treacherous deserts of Gauda Prime, Lieutenant Sharp and his unit must find and destroy the enemy's central weapon, the dreaded Ma'har dream machine. The obstacles are daunting- giant mutated creatures and an army of zombified sand troopers stand between the unit and their objective. They must thwart a devious politician and her hideously disfigured mercenary, The Face. Political intrigue will prove as challenging as the monstrous faun of Gauda Prime but Sharp's team are humanity's only fighting chance against the deadly Ma'har armada.


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Recon 2023: The Gauda Prime Conspiracy
101 min
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Saga Recon Collection
2004 - 2009
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IMDb 3.3
TMDB 5.5
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