When Voices Meet: One Divided Country; One United Choir; One Courageous Journey
When Nelson Mandela was finally released from prison, courageous South African musicians broke through Apartheid's barriers to form a 500-voice, multiracial youth choir. Threatened with bombs and thwarted at every turn, they prevailed and railroaded across the country aboard The Peace Train. Singing their way into the hearts, minds and soul of a divided nation in the midst of a civil war, they promoted a peaceful transition to democracy and went on to become Mandela's face of the new nation. When Voices Meet documents the trials, tribulations and triumphs of those musician activists and young choir members. They performed together for seven years; never lost touch with one another; and reunited 20 years later to tell their stories.
When Voices Meet: One Divided Country; One United Choir; One Courageous Journey
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