Jack Johnson - A Weekend at the Greek

Jack Johnson - A Weekend at the Greek

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Valoración tmdb 4.2

A Weekend at the Greek (shot at Berkeley's famed Greek Theatre at the beginning of his US tour, September 19th & 20th, 2005 to promote In Between Dreams). 1. In Between Dreams Medley; 2. Never Know; 3. Taylor; 4. Posters; 5. Gone; 6. From Cuba to Tribe; 7. Sitting Waiting Wishing; 8. Flake; 9. The Openers; 10. The Accordion Set (Belle / Banana Pancakes); 11. Breakdown (with Dan Lebowitz); 12. I Never Intended to Have Songs that Said La-Da-Da-Da-Da-Da; 13. Sad to Know You're Wasting My Time; 14. Staple it Together (with Money Mark); 15. If I Could (with Money Mark); 16. Inaudible Memories; 17. Rodeo Clowns (with G. Love); 18. Mudfootball (with G. Love); 19. Plastic Jesus / Fall Line / Spring Wind; 20. No Other Way; 21. Better Together (with G. Love); 22. Girl I Wanna Lay You Down (with ALO)

Jack Johnson - A Weekend at the Greek

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A Weekend at the Greek (shot at Berkeley's famed Greek Theatre at the beginning of his US tour, September 19th & 20th, 2005 to promote In Between Dreams). 1. In Between Dreams Medley; 2. Never Know; 3. Taylor; 4. Posters; 5. Gone; 6. From Cuba to Tribe; 7. Sitting Waiting Wishing; 8. Flake; 9. The Openers; 10. The Accordion Set (Belle / Banana Pancakes); 11. Breakdown (with Dan Lebowitz); 12. I Never Intended to Have Songs that Said La-Da-Da-Da-Da-Da; 13. Sad to Know You're Wasting My Time; 14. Staple it Together (with Money Mark); 15. If I Could (with Money Mark); 16. Inaudible Memories; 17. Rodeo Clowns (with G. Love); 18. Mudfootball (with G. Love); 19. Plastic Jesus / Fall Line / Spring Wind; 20. No Other Way; 21. Better Together (with G. Love); 22. Girl I Wanna Lay You Down (with ALO)


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Jack Johnson - A Weekend at the Greek
80 min
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