Growing Pains: Return of the Seavers

Growing Pains: Return of the Seavers

Dirigida por Joanna Kerns
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Valoración tmdb 6.7
Filmaffinity 4.8

Jason and Maggie Seaver are ready to start a new chapter in their lives. The nest is finally empty, they've put the family home up for sale, and they're preparing to spend their retirement years traveling. But all that's easier said than done as Mike and a very pregnant Carol, each with their own agenda for wanting their parents to stay put, team up to sabotage the move. At the same time, little brother Ben, now a realtor, needs the big sale of his parents' home to please his boss. Meanwhile, Chrissie, an aspiring singer, just wants to get out from under her parents' watchful gaze so she can launch her career as a rock star.

Growing Pains: Return of the Seavers

Dirigida por Joanna Kerns 2004
Tu valoración:
Jason and Maggie Seaver are ready to start a new chapter in their lives. The nest is finally empty, they've put the family home up for sale, and they're preparing to spend their retirement years traveling. But all that's easier said than done as Mike and a very pregnant Carol, each with their own agenda for wanting their parents to stay put, team up to sabotage the move. At the same time, little brother Ben, now a realtor, needs the big sale of his parents' home to please his boss. Meanwhile, Chrissie, an aspiring singer, just wants to get out from under her parents' watchful gaze so she can launch her career as a rock star.


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Growing Pains: Return of the Seavers
89 min
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IMDb 4.3
TMDB 6.7
Filmaffinity 4.8
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