Películas similares a L'énigme des Nascas

Si te gustó L'énigme des Nascas y estás buscando películas del mismo estilo, es muy posible que te gusten las siguientes recomendaciones. Estos son los resultados que hemos encontrado que podrían interesarte:

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Virginia Woolf said that Homer's epic poem the Odyssey was 'alive to every tremor and gleam of existence'. Following the magical and strange adventures of warrior king Odysseus, inventor of the i ...
After their teacher fails them, two high school students decide to teach the imperious, demanding instructor a lesson by falsely accusing her of the murder of a missing student. ...
An entertaining documentary look at dinosaurs with Emmy Award-winning special effects, feature film clips and stills, commentary by leading paleontologists of the time, and an on camera as well a ...
East Germany 1992: Moritz Schmidtke (12) is spending his holidays at the same campground as every year. His parent’s problems, the changes made by a new political system, and brutal swimming le ...
La fantástica mezcla de New Age y Rock combinada con increíbles cantos gregorianos les permitió alcanzar el Top10 en todo el mundo. Con Video Anthology, volumen 1, earMUSIC lanza por primera v ...
Rajaratha is a 2018 Indian Kannada romantic comedy film written and directed by Anup Bhandari who also composed the film's music. It stars Nirup Bhandari and Avantika Shetty in the lead roles in ...
Cuando una noche la artista Kim conoce a Johannes en una fiesta, comienza a cuestionarse su relación con su novio Andreas. A partir de ese momento, y mientras construye su nueva obra artística ...
Documentary which examines the reasons why Winston Churchill and the Conservative Party lost the General Election of 1945, after Churchill had just led the country to victory in the World War II. ...
Two soldiers are coming back home, an accident on their way will change their lives forever. ...
While at his friend Allison's birthday party, Nathan confronts his best friend Jackson about them hooking up in the past, revealing his true feelings he had in the process. The only problem is J ...
Agent 'X' always fullfills his missions perfectly until one day he is ordered to deliver a mysterious item to agent 'R'. However, agent 'R' is found dead and his girlfriend Mia points a gun at h ...
H*ART ON dives off the deep end of modern art. A film about the yearning to create, to mould everyday emotions into a meaningful life and, most of all, to live beyond one's death. A struggle that ...
After a Cop tries to change the rules in a village he gets killed by the village goons. His spirit then starts to haunt them. He also helps his fellow cop to fight against his killers. ...

Otras recomendaciones alternativas

Si no has encontrado películas similares de tu agrado, puedes probar con este listado de recomendaciones basadas en el género y temáticas de L'énigme des Nascas.