Bloody Buddy

Bloody Buddy

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Fai and Kin work in the same company and Fai has been in love with Kin for a long time but never had the courage to confess. When their company hosted the New Year party they used the buddy game to bring employees closer; where you secretly take care of that person for the whole party. Although Fai wasn’t able to get Kin, he took care of his anyway. However, whatever he gave Kin always got sabotaged and ruined in some way. The person behind this blackmailed Kin telling him he needed to confess his love for Kin in front of the whole company or they will release sensitive photos from his profile from a gay dating app. When Fai later discovered that Kin was behind this and it was a prank he became furious and cut all ties, however, Kin realized his mistake after he began to reciprocate Fai’s feelings. However this is not the end, this is a mystery that is wrapped in mystery. There are 2 novel endings, a good and a bad, which end will this be?

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Fai and Kin work in the same company and Fai has been in love with Kin for a long time but never had the courage to confess. When their company hosted the New Year party they used the buddy game to bring employees closer; where you secretly take care of that person for the whole party. Although Fai wasn’t able to get Kin, he took care of his anyway. However, whatever he gave Kin always got sabotaged and ruined in some way. The person behind this blackmailed Kin telling him he needed to confess his love for Kin in front of the whole company or they will release sensitive photos from his profile from a gay dating app. When Fai later discovered that Kin was behind this and it was a prank he became furious and cut all ties, however, Kin realized his mistake after he began to reciprocate Fai’s feelings. However this is not the end, this is a mystery that is wrapped in mystery. There are 2 novel endings, a good and a bad, which end will this be?


Título original:
* 90 min
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