Curious Tobi and the Treasure Hunt to the Flying Rivers

Curious Tobi and the Treasure Hunt to the Flying Rivers

Dirigida por Johannes Honsell
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Valoración tmdb 7.3

In Curious Tobi and the Treasure Hunt to the Flying Rivers, adventurer Tobi needs to find his best friend from childhood Marina, the only person who can help him unlock a mysterious treasure chest. Tobi’s search for Marina kickstarts an adventure that takes him to the greatest and most stunning places in the world. Always with one goal in mind: solving the riddle of the treasure chest and finding the mysterious flying rivers.

Curious Tobi and the Treasure Hunt to the Flying Rivers

Dirigida por Johannes Honsell 2023
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In Curious Tobi and the Treasure Hunt to the Flying Rivers, adventurer Tobi needs to find his best friend from childhood Marina, the only person who can help him unlock a mysterious treasure chest. Tobi’s search for Marina kickstarts an adventure that takes him to the greatest and most stunning places in the world. Always with one goal in mind: solving the riddle of the treasure chest and finding the mysterious flying rivers.


Título original:
Checker Tobi und die Reise zu den fliegenden Flüssen
92 min
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