Filmografía de Yvette Guilbert como actor

Películas protagonizadas por Yvette Guilbert

🎭 Marthe Schwerdtlein (archive footage)
🎭 Un Invité (Prologue)
A husband who has just cheated on his wife returns home in the early morning, puzzled. He finds there, without knowing it, the lover of his wife, to whom he confesses his infidelity. ...
Gaud Mevel, a young Paimpolaise brought up in Paris, falls in love with the rough sailor, Yann Gaos. When he knows she is an orphan and poor, he marries her. A few days later, he leaves for Icel ...
A more small scale version of the story Griffin used for his epic Orphans Of The Storm: a doctor tries to reunite two sisters who have become separated from each other during the whirlwind of the ...
🎭 La Méchain
🎭 Marthe Schwerdtlein
Relata la historia de un célebre pensador que después de buscar sin descanso la esencia del conocimiento y la verdad oculta de las cosas, es tentado por el diablo y vende su alma. ...