Filmografía de Tony Carreiro como actor

Películas protagonizadas por Tony Carreiro

🎭 Tom Wallace
En un campamento, un buen día de verano, Ray Pye, de 19 años, decide asesinar a dos mujeres jóvenes. Sus amigos, Jen y Tim, son testigos del asesinato y lo ayudan a encubrirlo. Cuatro años mà ...
🎭 Reporter
Russ Richards is a TV weatherman and local celebrity on the verge of losing his shirt. Desperate to escape financial ruin, he schemes with Crystal the TV station's lotto ball girl to rig the stat ...
🎭 Cop at Airpot
Fletcher Reed, a fast-talking, habitual liar, divorced father, is an incredibly successful lawyer who has built his career by lying. He is used to giving priority to his job and always breaking p ...
🎭 Marcelli
In the opening chase, Martin Riggs and Roger Murtaugh stumble across a trunk full of Krugerrands. They follow the trail to a South African diplomat who's using his immunity to conceal a smuggling ...