Series de animación de Tomoki Murakami

Series de Tomoki Murakami filtradas por género

🎭 Special Effects
Oreimo follows the daily life of an ordinary high school boy named Kyousuke Kousaka. Kyousuke’s younger sister Kirino is a pretty fashion model, but also hides a dark secret of being an otaku o ...
👔 Special Effects
Viviendo junto al mar, protegiendo el mar y viajando a través del mar... ¡Son las Sirenas Azules! Debido a un cambio en las placas tectónicas hace unos 100 años, Japón perdió gran parte de ...
🎭 Special Effects
After Hiraku dies of a serious illness, God brings him back to life, gives his health and youth back, and sends him to a fantasy world of his choice. In order to enjoy his second shot, God bestow ...
🎭 2D Artist
After Hiraku dies of a serious illness, God brings him back to life, gives his health and youth back, and sends him to a fantasy world of his choice. In order to enjoy his second shot, God bestow ...
🎭 Special Effects
Shinya Yukimura and Ayame Himuro are two scientists that want to find out if love can be solved by a scientific theory. These two scientists also have feelings for each other and want to be able ...