Filmografía de Sue Lemström como actor

Películas protagonizadas por Sue Lemström

🎭 Sirpa
Geografens Testamente explores the mysterious geography of Sweden, The Nordics and Europe with clues into a deep, thrilling and exciting adventure, that you will never forget. ...
🎭 Leena
Juha is 38 years old and has three small children and a depressed wife. He sees himself as strong and believes a man should provide for his family. But one day Juha is fired from his job. Ashamed ...
🎭 Mrs. Svensson
🎭 Charlotta Lönnqvist
Aleksis Kivi (1834-1872) was a Finnish author who wrote the first significant novel in the Finnish language, "Seven Brothers/Seitsemän veljestä". Although Kivi was among the very earliest auth ...
🎭 Työvoimatoimiston virkailija
A poem about the poetic pursuit that in a harmonious way longs for death to occur. Life's desires and worries have done much harm to the poetic self and the person sees death as a help to loosen ...
Strange – Art is a version of the audiovisual play Strange, the story of The Stranger, an androgynous (or what?) character who travels from the Finnish landscape to one Europe capital encounter ...