Filmografía de Steve Barry como actor

Películas protagonizadas por Steve Barry

🎭 Caméraman cinéma
Hubert Wolfe, bestselling author, suffers from the writer's block for a long time. Thus, he often used a ghost writer, the talented but taciturn Dany. While the deadline for his next novel approa ...
🎭 Caméraman reportage
Marco Valois wants to direct a serious movie inspired by the life of a soldier living with post-traumatic stress disorder. He soon realizes that the young soldier home from Afghanistan won't open ...
🎭 Cameraman de Presse
Nathalie Dagenais is a 19 year old girl studying to be a lawyer. New to the city of Montreal, she will soon discover the world of porn. One day, her father (Michel Côté) comes across her pictur ...
🎭 Los Alamo Scientist (uncredited)
El físico hungaro Leo Szilard deja Europa y llega a Estados Unidos.
Con la ayuda de Albert Einstein convence al gobierno americano para construir la bomba atómica.
El General Leslie Groves el ...