Series de animación de Sonoka Kuroiwa

Series de Sonoka Kuroiwa filtradas por género

🎭 Character Designer
The "Evil Corps," led by Don, are on a mission to conquer the universe. They set out to invade Earth first, but they struggle as some quirky Earthlings stand in their way. Eventually Don's plan t ...
🎭 Key Animation
Makoto 'Smile' Tsukimoto and his friend Yutaka 'Peco' Hoshino have been playing table tennis together since they were kids, but as they enter high school, they find that the game, and how they se ...
🎭 Key Animation
When a certain man is released from prison, he knows exactly where he's heading first. After falling in love with a traditional comic storyteller's rendition of the story called "Shinigami," he i ...
👔 Key Animation
Anime de televisión de guión original producido por Studio Pierrot, secuela del manga Osomatsu-kun. La historia seguirá nuevamente a los revoltosos sextillizos de la serie original, esta vez c ...
🎭 Key Animation
Kōjiro Shindō is a highly-skilled negotiator working for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. As his plane at Haneda airport prepares to take off, a huge mysterious cube appears from the sky. 'It' ...
👔 Key Animation
En un futuro próximo, es posible medir de forma instantánea el estado mental de una persona, la personalidad y la probabilidad de que dicha persona vaya a cometer delitos gracias a un escáner ...
🎭 Key Animation
A girl is looking at a remote island on the ocean named The Yatter Kingdom, a country that is said to be ruled by the hero Yatterman. The girl wants to ask the Yattermans for some help to cure he ...