Series de animación de Shuhei Mutsuki

Series de Shuhei Mutsuki filtradas por género

👔 Original Music Composer
La División de Inteligencia de Westalis (WISE) envía a su mejor espía, "Twilight", en una misión ultrasecreta para vigilar los movimientos de Donovan Desmond, quien dirige el Partido Nacional ...
🎭 Original Music Composer
A spirited secret agent and her aloof colleague work in an unassuming, charming cafe while happily helping their customers' out in any way they can. ...
🎭 Original Music Composer
Once upon a time, fairies were tools of war.

The story takes place in a world where fairies possess and dwell in animals, giving them mysterious abilities. By removing the organs of a possessed ...
🎭 Original Music Composer
Futaba Odagiri is incredibly energetic but is also a glutton. Teru Hayama looks like an angel but she is really a demonic class president. Yoko Nishikawa is the daughter of family that used to be ...
🎭 Original Music Composer
Rentaro Aijo was rejected 100 times in middle school. He visits a shrine and prays for better luck in high school. The God of Love appears and promises that he'll soon meet 100 people he's destin ...