Filmografía de Rémo Forlani como actor

Películas protagonizadas por Rémo Forlani

🎭 L'inquiétant directeur
Dos adictos a la ketamina y un barbudo sordomudo perpetran el secuestro del perro de una obesa millonaria. El plan no funcionará como esperaban, y los secuestradores se verán empujados a satisf ...
🎭 'Gros Momo'
In a cul-de-sac in the Faubourg-Saint-Antoine, Leon shares two rooms with his sister Marie. In one, he receives his clients: he is a tailor. In the other, Marie receives her own: she is a clairvo ...
🎭 Workman in Bar (uncredited)
Paula Nelson goes to Atlantic City to meet her lover, Richard Politzer, but finds him dead and decides to investigate his death. In her hotel room, she meets Typhus, whom she ends up knocking ou ...