Filmografía de Osamu Maruyama como actor

Películas protagonizadas por Osamu Maruyama

🎭 Atomic Energy Research Institute Chief
A nuclear explosion in the far north unleashes Gamera, the legendary flying turtle, from his sleep under the ice. In his search for energy, Gamera wreaks havoc over the entire world, and it's up ...
🎭 Дайскэ
🎭 Tokezo
When a theater troupe's master visits his old flame, he unintentionally sets off a chain of unexpected events with devastating consequences. A remake of Ozu's own silent film The Story of Floatin ...
🎭 Li Kuei-nien
In eighth century China, the Emperor is grieving over the death of his wife. The Yang family wants to provide the Emperor with a consort so that they may consolidate their influence over the cour ...
🎭 Kasuke
Kiyoko y su familia viven en el distrito central de Tokio. Tiene 23 años, es cobradora de autobús, pero anhela llegar a algo más en la vida. Su modelo es Katsuura, una inquilina que vive en su ...