Series de humor Miki Yoshimoto

Series de Miki Yoshimoto filtradas por género

🎭 Key Animation
Aboard the Edens Zero, a lonely boy with the ability to control gravity embarks on an adventure to meet the fabled space goddess known as Mother. ...
👔 Key Animation
La historia de Tsuritama se desarrolla en la isla de Enoshima y sigue los pasos de un grupo de amigos que hacen de la pequeña isla su particular base para determinar el destino del mundo. Yuki e ...
🎭 Animation Director
Aboard the Edens Zero, a lonely boy with the ability to control gravity embarks on an adventure to meet the fabled space goddess known as Mother. ...
🎭 Key Animation
Yuuno Scraia is a mage from a distant planet working to fix the problem he started when Jewel Seeds were accidentally spread around the world. In a failed attempt to seal a seed properly, he wind ...
🎭 Key Animation
Chocolat Meilleure is a happy-going and optimistic girl. Together with her friend-cum-rival, Vanilla Mieux, they are potential candidates to become Queen of the magic world. After obtaining the ...