Filmografía de Maggie Lau como actor

Películas protagonizadas por Maggie Lau

🎭 Maggie
En el 221 A.C. el primer emperador de China, Qin Shihuang, comenzó a edificar una tumba real pese a pretender ser inmortal. El mausoleo se finalizó en 37 años. La leyenda estableció que para ...
🎭 Breeze
Georgie Hung is handsome, stylish and charming but he hides a secret that his old-fashion father, Hung who is a Triad leader, can never forgive. He has been sent to Thailand since he was a child ...
🎭 Nurse Maggie
An evil Duke attempts to kill and collect the blood of a royal family of European vampires in order to become all powerful. The only surviving member of the family travels to Hong Kong, only to c ...