Series de humor Koya Izumi

Series de Koya Izumi filtradas por género

🎭 Key Animation
Unable to hear, speak, or wield a sword, Prince Bojji doesn’t seem like a typical heir to the throne—and his kingdom agrees. But his fateful encounter with Kage, a shadow on the ground, gives ...
🎭 Key Animation
Fore! After Eve’s first meet-up with Aoi on the grass left her in defeat, she’s had her eyes set on a rematch to return the favor. Both these up-and-coming golfers are highly skilled, highly ...
🎭 Key Animation
In an alternate New York City protected by a band of superheroes called NEXT, veteran Wild Tiger is forced to team up with rookie Barnaby Brooks Jr. ...
🎭 Key Animation
Nanakusa is a vampire. That's okay with human Ko. He wants to be one too. But transformation doesn't come that easily...

When Nazuna invites Ko to spend the night at her place in an abandoned bu ...
🎭 Key Animation
In the magic realm, magic is everything—everyone can use it, and one’s social status is determined by their skill level. Deep in the forest, oblivious to the ways of the world, lives Mash. Th ...