Kira Reed Lorsch

¿Quién es Kira Reed Lorsch?

Kira Reed Lorsch is an Emmy nominated actress, television host and Emmy winning producer. Reed was born in Santa Clara, California, and by age five was performing in school plays and local dance recitals. By age 10, she was doing commercials and local catalog modeling. When her family moved to Louisville, Kentucky, she attended the Youth Performing Arts School then went on to graduate from UCLA's School of Theatre, Film and Television.   After graduating UCLA's School of Theatre Film and Television, she enjoyed a prolific on-camera career including feature films, guest spots on major network shows and a seven-year stint as a reporter for Playboy. Her work with Playboy led her to hosting and producing for E! and Associated Television International. She joined the cast of the Emmy nominated The Bay as Jo Connors in 2014 and continues to act and produce in television, digital media and feature films.
También conocida como: Katelin Brennan / Kira Lee / Kira Reed / キラ・リード /

Géneros más habituales en las películas de Kira Reed Lorsch

Géneros más habituales en las series de Kira Reed Lorsch


Últimas películas en orden cronológico


Últimas series en orden cronológico

Compañeros de trabajo recientes de Kira Reed Lorsch

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