Series familiares de Kim Sa-gyeong

Series de Kim Sa-gyeong filtradas por género

🎭 Writer
"Here Comes Oh Ja-Ryong" follows an unemployed second son-in-law with a good heart as he attempts to save his in-laws from the greedy first son-in-law. ...
🎭 Writer
A family drama about a college student couple who unintentionally becomes parents and realize the true meaning of love and life. Jang Mi is an immature mama’s girl who grew without experiencing ...
🎭 Writer
A woman's life gets twisted one day because of her biological father who shows up after 28 years of absence. He had been thoroughly hiding his identity, afraid that he might be an obstacle in his ...
🎭 Writer
Lee Young Kook is a widower with three children. He still hasn’t gotten over the death of his wife. He decides to hire Park Dan Dan as a live-in tutor for his kids and he becomes attracted to h ...
🎭 Writer
A love story about an actress falls to the bottom overnight, and a producer's effort to try and get her back on her feet because he loves her. A cheerful family drama that reveals the truth of th ...