Series dramáticas de Kazuo Tomizawa

Series de Kazuo Tomizawa filtradas por género

🎭 Key Animation
This young student will do whatever it takes to become the world's best ballet dancer: the Danseur noble! ...
👔 Animation Director
Dos chicas de la misma edad y mismo nombre se conocieron en el tren para ir a Tokio. Sus nombres son NANA. Una de ellas es una chica que quiere ser famosa con su grupo de música y la otra quiere ...
🎭 Animation Director
Yukari is a typical high-school student who listens to her parents and attends school everyday. As she starts to question her way of life, she encounters a group of fashion design students who ha ...
👔 Key Animation
Dos chicas de la misma edad y mismo nombre se conocieron en el tren para ir a Tokio. Sus nombres son NANA. Una de ellas es una chica que quiere ser famosa con su grupo de música y la otra quiere ...
👔 Key Animation
El primer día de clase, Naho recibe una misteriosa carta de quien dice ser su yo del futuro, en la que se predice de forma exacta cada cosa que está a punto de pasarle. Además, la remitente le ...
🎭 Director
For decades, the Galactic Empire has been locked in an interstellar war with the Free Planets Alliance, a conflict that involves thousands of spaceships and millions of soldiers on both sides. Tw ...
🎭 Animation Director
In the final days of the One Year War, a Zeon special forces group infiltrates a colony to gather information on a new Gundam unit. Alfred Izuruha, a 10-year-old student, befriends Zeon rookie pi ...
🎭 Key Animation
A collection of animated horror stories based on the works of Japanese artist Junji Ito. ...
👔 Key Animation
En el Período de los Estados Combatientes de la antigua China (475-221 a. C.), Shin y Hyou son huérfanos de guerra en el reino de Qin. Sueñan con algún día probarse en el campo de batalla. U ...
🎭 Key Animation
When they were young, the brothers Mutta and Hibito promised each other they would become astronauts. Now, in 2025, Hibito has followed his dream to become the first Japanese on the moon, but Mut ...
🎭 Animation Director
When they were young, the brothers Mutta and Hibito promised each other they would become astronauts. Now, in 2025, Hibito has followed his dream to become the first Japanese on the moon, but Mut ...