Filmografía de Kathryn Anderson como actor

Películas protagonizadas por Kathryn Anderson

🎭 2nd Grade Teacher
While other kids buy into countless hours of studying just so they can get a mark in some teacher's report book, Handsome Davis sees it as nothing more than a system of control over your mind. Th ...
🎭 Jean Kriticos, The Withered Lover
Arthur Kriticos (Tony Shalhoub), un profesor viudo, hereda la majestuosa mansión de su tío Cyrus y se traslada a vivir allí con sus dos hijos, su niñera y un médium. Pronto descubren que la ...
🎭 Tina
Elizabeth Sheridan is a painter, living in a beautiful home on the coast near Seattle, where her wealthy husband Cole runs a yacht-building company. Elizabeth and the firm's top designer, Tony Bl ...