Filmografía de Jovanka Sopalovic como actor

Películas protagonizadas por Jovanka Sopalovic

🎭 Infirmière déguisée
Since his sensational arrival at the head of the 20 Hours, Cédric Saint Guérande, known as "CSG" is THE favorite presenter of the French. His insolent audiences stoke the jealousy even within L ...
🎭 Sonia
An ex-con suffering from terminal cancer and a suicidal ex-legionnaire are hired to participate in a staged assassination attempt on a Romanian politician. As part of the plan, the two must thems ...
🎭 Natacha
La jet-set parisina está acostumbrada a salir en las portadas de las revistas de actualidad. Para conseguirlo, le piden a Mike, actor en paro, que se infiltre en la jet set para hacerse con una ...