Filmografía de Johannes Oliver Hamm como actor

Películas protagonizadas por Johannes Oliver Hamm

🎭 Sports Commentator
🎭 Johan, german hiker
Samy, por amor a Nadia le dice un día, que por ella sería capaz de escalar el Everest. Nadia, sin embargo, no le cree hasta que un día él abandona su casa, y se va a escalar los míticos 8848 ...
🎭 Policeman Scheidegg
In 1982, André Bamberski learns about the death of his 14 year-old daughter, Kalinka, while she was on vacation with her mother and stepfather in Germany. Convinced that Kalinka’s death was no ...
🎭 German officer
In may 1940, the German troops enter France. Frightened by the progress of the enemy, the people of a small village of Pas-de-Calais decide on the recommendations of the prefecture, to give up ev ...
🎭 Gradé allemand café
En la noche del 16 de julio de 1942, 4.500 gendarmes del gobierno colaboracionista del Mariscal Pétain, que había firmado un pacto con Hitler y aceptado la ocupación de Francia por el ejércit ...
🎭 Major SS train
May 1944, a group of French servicewomen and resistance fighters are enlisted into the British Special Operations Executive commando group under the command of Louise Desfontaines and her brother ...