Películas dramáticas de Jane Spicer

Películas de Jane Spicer filtradas por género

🎭 Costume Design
Roald & Beatrix, the tail of the curious mouse, a heart-warming Christmas film inspired by the true encounter between a six-year-old Roald Dahl and his idol Beatrix Potter. A magical story of wha ...
👔 Costume Design
Thomas Richardson llega de incógnito a una isla idílica con la intención de salvar a su hermana de la misteriosa secta que la ha secuestrado. Allí, encontrará una sociedad que tiene sus prop ...
👔 Costume Design
🎭 Assistant Costume Designer
Penelope Keeling, a sixty-four-year-old daughter of a famous artist, reflects on her life, and the fate and choices that defined it, when she arrives in the Mediterranean to stay with her headstr ...