Series dramáticas de Hwang Ju-ha

Series de Hwang Ju-ha filtradas por género

🎭 Writer
Do-Hoon and Soo-Jin are a married couple. Do-Hoon learns that he has Alzheimer's disease. He decides to divorce Soo-Jin out of concern for her future. The couple divorces. ...
👔 Writer
Lie To Me es una comedia romántica sustentada en una serie de circunstancias y malentendidos, que llevarán a Gong Ah Jung y Hyun Gi Joon a mentir sobre su supuesto matrimonio. Gong Ah Jung es ...
🎭 Screenplay
After long and grueling hours immersed in brutal crime investigations, lead detective Choi Young Jin must face the particular horrors of singlehandedly raising her daughter Ha Eun. Any way you lo ...