Filmografía de Tanuki Sugino como actor

Películas protagonizadas por Tanuki Sugino

🎭 Yoshida
At the 26th century, Earths core exploded in a mysterious way, humanity was forced to evacuate earth. 65 years later, one of the last survivors spent money on operation return to earth, which has ...
🎭 Nakata
Inspired by the classic movie Blade Runner and the book Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Jeter is an android hunter who is investigating a moon bus hijacking that crashed near the coast of M ...
🎭 (voice)
Teran Plains' village was attacked by a giant starving Gerold, and the village's youngster, Peck, sought Toriko for help. But lying ahead in wait is something much more ferocious and hideous than ...
🎭 鳳 龍吾(おおとり りゅうご)