Películas de aventuras de Gerry Shirren

Películas de Gerry Shirren filtradas por género

🎭 Executive Producer
Struggling to cope after a move to the city with his mother, Elmer runs away in search of Wild Island and a young dragon who waits to be rescued. Elmer’s adventures introduce him to ferocious b ...
👔 Executive Producer
La joven Robyn viaja a Irlanda con su padre para participar en una cacería de lobos. Todo se complica cuando conoce a Mebh, una niña misteriosa que vive en el bosque y de la que dicen que por l ...
🎭 Executive Producer
Three children are accidentally transformed into fish after consuming a potion made by an eccentric scientist. The kids end up in the sea, with one problem: they must find and drink the antidote ...