Filmografía de Gerardo Rodriguez como actor

Películas protagonizadas por Gerardo Rodriguez

🎭 Marco's Father
Vlogger Keith Gill sinks his life savings into GameStop stock and posts about it. When social media starts blowing up, so do his life and the lives of everyone following him. As a stock tip becom ...
🎭 Doorman
Claire Smythson, wife of the renowned abstract artist Richard Smythson, is plunged into a late-life crisis when her husband is diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease and is in danger of not completin ...
🎭 Diego Gonzales
James, who has just burned his last bridge and now lacks both a job and a wife, teams up with friend Eoin on a for-hire mission to the racetrack on behalf of slippery raconteur Timmy Thomas. In a ...
🎭 Frank
Un novelista pierde la vista tras un accidente de coche, en el que además falleció su esposa. Años después empieza a recuperar la pasión por la vida y la escritura gracias a la esposa de un ...