Filmografía de Fred Catania como actor

Películas protagonizadas por Fred Catania

🎭 Henchman (uncredited)
The handsome top agent Matt dies a tragic death in his bath tub - the women mourn about the loss. However it's just faked for his latest top-secret mission: He shall find Dr. Solaris, inventor of ...
🎭 Bouncer at Silver Door (uncredited)
Prohibition-era nightclub crooner Joe E. Lewis has his career and nearly his life cut short when his throat is slashed as payback for leaving the employ of Chicago mob boss Georgie Parker. A brok ...
🎭 Used Car Salesman (uncredited)
To save his career, an ad man wants a sex symbol to endorse a lipstick but in exchange, she wants him to pretend to be her lover. ...