Filmografía de Franziska Neiding como actor

Películas protagonizadas por Franziska Neiding

🎭 Elke
1993. En pleno conflicto étnico entre serbios, croatas y musulmanes, un joven soldado serbio impide que unos compañeros maten de una paliza a un civil de origen bosnio. 15 años más tarde, a t ...
🎭 Anna van Driel
Six weeks after the accidental death of her husband, Wessendorf Vicky decides to travel to Bangkok to investigate the background of the scene of the tragedy. Her husband George had bought a luxur ...
🎭 Clara
After a fight with her mother, six year old Clara decides to run off to be with her father. But she falls asleep on the way on the bus and somehow ends up with the Wagner family. When Julia Wagne ...