Filmografía de Espen Klouman Høiner como actor

Películas protagonizadas por Espen Klouman Høiner

🎭 Pastor Samuel
🎭 Gaute Aas
🎭 Jacob / Andreas
Mikkel (17) lives a good life in Oslo were he has heaps of friends. When his mother gets a new job, Mikkel has to move to a small town and start all over. Here, snowboard is the big thing and to ...
🎭 Erik
Erik y Phillip intentan salir adelante como escritores. Erik es rechazado por las editoriales por su supuesta falta de talento, pero el manuscrito de Phillip es aceptado y, casi de la noche a la ...
🎭 Daniel Vik
16 year-old Bea is in her first year at upper secondary school in Oslo. Active on the school magazine, she falls in love with Daniel, the smartest and most gifted student in the top year, who ret ...