Filmografía de Denis Maréchal como actor

Películas protagonizadas por Denis Maréchal

🎭 Olivier Potemski
A former starred chef, Laure Grenadier now devotes herself to her activities as a food critic for the channel she created on the Internet. She is also careful to keep her distance from her ex and ...
🎭 l'hôte de la soirée
Dans les années 70 Bruno Caprice a connu un succès éphémère avec "Quand tu t'en vas", son premier et unique 45 tours. Aujourd'hui oublié, il gagne sa vie comme réceptionniste dans un grand ...
🎭 L'infirmier audio-test Cogip
80's pop icon Gilles Gabriel is about to make a comeback in the French music scene, until he accidentally hits Ranu, a slightly nutty accountant, when out driving one day. Both are horrified to r ...
🎭 Le médecin
Life is easy for 43-year-old Luis, a happy single guy, fulfilled in his job of star nose with a perfume creation company, cosseted by his mother and five sisters. It could have lasted for a whole ...