Filmografía de Deirdre McCullagh como actor

Películas protagonizadas por Deirdre McCullagh

🎭 Joanne
6 models arrive at a warehouse to audition for a fashion show being hosted by the biggest talent agency in the city. Little do they know, the MC hosting the audition knows their innermost demons ...
🎭 Crystal
Simon Says is a trailer park revenge flick about a cult-like group of children suffering abuse at the hands of their parents. Grim and dark, this short pulls few punches and satisfies the gut-ref ...
🎭 Waitress (uncredited)
Ante la muerte de su novio, Emily entra en un estado catatónico de donde solo la sacará la doctora Thorne. Pero la salvadora pronto se volverá enemiga y desarrollará una enfermiza obsesión q ...