Davide Ferrario
¿Quién es Davide Ferrario?
Born in Casalmaggiore, Cremona, Ferrario graduated in Anglo-American literature, then he began to work in film distribution, and he contributed to import in Italy many indie films by John Sayles, Jim Jarmusch, Susan Seidelman, Godfrey Reggio. He also collaborated as a film critic with the cinema magazine Cineforum, and he wrote a monograph about Rainer Werner Fassbinder.
After collaborating to several screenplays, Ferrario made his directorial debut in 1987 with the short film Non date da mangiare agli animali, and in 1989 he directed his first feature film, the neo-noir The End of the Night. His 2004 film After Midnight entered the Forum section at the 54th Berlin International Film Festival, in which Ferrario won the Caligari Film Prize and the Don Quixote Award. Also a novelist, his 1995 debut novel Dissolvenza al nero was later adapted into a film, Fade to Black by Oliver Parker.
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Géneros más habituales en las películas de Davide Ferrario
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