Filmografía de Cate Allen como actor

Películas protagonizadas por Cate Allen

🎭 Dr. Smith
Judge Morgan has become known for his no-nonsense toughness in court. He rules fast and he rules hard, barely noticing the person on the other end of his decisions. When he gets stuck in a caf ...
🎭 Dead Body
Una pareja a punto de terminar su matrimonio pasa un fin de semana en diferentes ciudades. Después de un evento cataclísmico, el marido se embarca en una búsqueda física y emocional para regr ...
🎭 Officer Blaine
Luke Perry stars in this heartwarming "tail." Kassie, her friends and her dog, Scoot, organize a holiday fundraiser, but must protect the cash from some crooks in order to save Christmas. ...
🎭 Walter's Mother
In a town not so far away and a time not so long ago, baby Rose was left on the porch of Greenwoods Orphanage, where Mrs. Hartley and the children under her tender care become her family. But whe ...