Filmografía de Bonnie Deroski como actor

Películas protagonizadas por Bonnie Deroski

🎭 Female Student
Michael has written a schollarly book on the revolutionary war. He has sold the film rights. The arrival of the film crew seriously disrupts him as actors want to change their characters, directo ...
🎭 Chubby Girl (as Bonni Deroski)
The second Charles and Diana movie, with two virtual unknowns in the leads: Christopher Baines had acted on the British stage and on the BBC, but Catherine Oxenberg, a U.S.-born, British-raised p ...
🎭 Marnie
La historia comienza en Camp Blackfoot donde unos niños tratan de hacer una broma al conserje, pero la situación se sale de control y da como resultado una antorcha humana con el cuerpo de Crop ...