Filmografía de Barbara Blossom como actor

Películas protagonizadas por Barbara Blossom

🎭 YMCA Visitor
Theophilus North (Anthony Edwards) es un intelectual dedicado ahora al servicio social, por lo que visita diferentes mansiones donde hace las veces de lector para niños y personas mayores. Un d ...
🎭 Lydia
Nineteen people were hanged and one man pressed to death, while hundreds went to jail during the "witch hysteria" of 1692. THREE SOVEREIGNS FOR SARAH offers an accurate portrayal of the Salem wit ...
🎭 Mme. Regine
Lily Bart, a well-born, but penniless woman of the high society of New York City, who was raised and educated to become wife to a rich man. As an unmarried woman with gambling debts and an uncert ...